Winter Pest Prevention Tips

Winter Pest Prevention Tips

Hey everyone! With the cooler weather, now is the time to prepare your home to help keep those unwanted winter pests at bay. Here are some tips to help you maintain a pest-free environment during the winter season:

  1. Seal all entry points: Inspect your doors and windows for any gaps or cracks. Use weatherstripping, expandable foam, or caulking to seal up any entry points to prevent pests from sneaking in.
  2. Keep your home clean: Regular cleaning and de-cluttering are essential. Make sure to clean up crumbs and spills promptly, and don’t leave food out in the open. Pests are attracted to easy food sources, especially in the winter months when food sources outside are less abundant.
  3. Proper food storage: Store all food items, including pet food and bird seed, in airtight containers to reduce the possibility of insects and rodents gaining access.
  4. Inspect firewood: If you have a fireplace, store firewood away from your home, as it can be a shelter for pests, especially rodents. Before bringing it inside, check for any critters that may have taken refuge in the logs, including beetles, ants, etc.
  5. Maintain your yard: Trim branches and shrubs away from your home, as overhanging vegetation can provide an easy pathway for pests to access your property.
  6. Regularly check for leaks: Pests are attracted to moisture. Keep an eye out for leaky pipes or clogged drains, as they can create a hospitable environment for pests.
  7. Install and maintain window screens: Make sure that your doors and windows have screens to keep pests out while allowing fresh air in.
  8. Inspect attics, basements, and crawlspaces: These are common entry points for pests. Regularly check these areas for signs of infestation and seal any gaps or holes.
  9. Professional pest control: Call Preferred Pest Solutions and schedule service to ensure that your home remains pest-free throughout the season. As is always the case, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It’s always easier to prevent an infestation than it is to correct one, we offer GUARANTEED services that will ensure that your home remains, well, yours and yours alone.

Remember, prevention is key to avoiding pest problems in the winter. By taking these steps, you can enjoy a cozy and pest-free home during the colder months. Stay warm and bug-free, everyone!